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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Hottest Actresses

Hottest Actresses Biography
(Seemed logical to me at the time.) Rather than bore you with how I came up with this list (because 99.9% of you will disagree with it anyway) I thought I would share some fun facts!! Everyone love fun facts! Almost a fourth of these ladies were born in California (10 actually in Los Angeles with several more in surrounding towns), 13 were born in and around New York City, nine were born in Texas, and five in Canada. Also, over a fourth of these women were born outside the United States thus stealing precious jobs from less-talented American thespians.

I have also included a mini-career biography of each lady showing when and on what TV show and movie they were first given acting credit, which provides us with classic show titles such as Shotgun Love Dolls, Child Bride of Short Creek, Death Machine, Sex Drive, and Man-Thing. Who could ever forget Man-Thing?

You really owe it to yourself to check out these bios. They're awesome. In them you will find out such tidbits as Eva Longoria's TV debut was on Beverly Hills, 90210, and Emma Stone's TV debut was playing Laurie Partidge in The New Partridge Family movie. You'll also learn that Mad Men's January Jones and Christina Hendricks both made their movie debuts in the same movie, Sorority, (another classic) and that Kate Beckinsale made her TV debut when she was just two years-old. You'll also see that the youngest lady on this list was born on July 22, 1992 (Selena Gomez) and the oldest was born June 15, 1964 (Courteney Cox).

Oh sure I could have just tossed all of these names in a hat, along with about 50 more ladies, and probably came up with a list just as proper (and had just as many people disagree with it and call me gay), but this is our list and we're sticking to it. For now.

Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Hottest Actresses
Top 100 Hottest Sexiest Actresses
Hollywood's Top Ten : Top 10 Hottest Actresses

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